
Deaf General Bibliography

by Karen Nakamura
[N/A] accesses since October 31, 1998.

In general, Amazon.com is an excellent resource for finding and buying Deaf related books. Run "Deaf" or "American Sign Language" as search topics in their search engine. LARW also has an annotated bibliography of over 250 books from Amazon.com on related Deaf and hard of hearing topics.

This list itself hasn't been updated since 1999, so it's a little dated....

Here are some selected books from my reading list that might interest you if you want to learn more about the American Deaf and hard of hearing communities:

Top Ten "Must Reads" for Learning about the Deaf / HOH Communities

Favorite Sign Language Dictionaries

These two are my two favorite sign language dictionaries:

Academic Texts

Various books that are interesting reads:

Academic Bibliography

At this point, this academic bibliography focuses on Ph.D. or Masters theses involving the history, culture, anthropology or sociology of Deaf communities, cultural information about the Deaf community, and ASL linguistics.

Unfortunately, my finances and time resources don't allow me to send people copies of material in the bibliography. Please ask your local university research library to obtain material through interlibrary loan or other sources. I cannot send anything! Sorry! I'm also not able to update this bibliography regularly, so some of the material may be out of date.

You might also want to try the International Bibligraphy of Sign Language:

I have a difficult time answering "Do I know XXX or YYY" type questions since all of the books that I know about are in this bibliography or located on the main web site. So if you don't find relevant information here, I most probably am ignorant about it. Unfortunately, due to my other committments, I cannot help people write their term papers or reports, you'll need to do the legwork yourself.

Click here to go back up to Karen's Deaf resource library.

This list was last updated on Feb 18, 2007 and has 187 references.

Agapitidis, Sotiris. 1978.
The relationship of certain underprivileged groups to social development in Greece. :

Andrews, Jean and Kay Gonales. 1991.
Free writing of deaf children in kindergarten. Sign Language Studies 73:

Anonymous. 1982.
Veditz film collection. On the green: a weekly publication for Gallaudet staff and faculty, Nov. 8, 1, 2.

Arrou, Edwige and Michel Chauviere. 1984.
The deaf as a linguistic minority. L'Annee Sociologique 34: 343-346.

Australian Association of the Deaf. 1992.
Policy statement: Deaf people - a linguistic and cultural minority community or a disability group? White paper.

Aymard, Louis L. and Christine Winstanley. 1992.
Reflections on the language and culture of deaf Americans. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

Baker, Charlotte and Robbin Battison. 1980.
Sign language and the deaf community: essays in honor of William Stokoe.

Baldwin, Sally, Lesley Jones, and Penny Lloyd-Evans. 1987.
Deaf worlds: a study of integration, segregation and disability. Journal of Social Policy 16 (2): 277-279.

Baldwin, Stephen C. 1993.
Pictures in the air : the story of the National Theatre of the Deaf. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

Barnartt, Sharon N. 1989.
Learning to be Deaf. Deviant Behavior 10 (2): 179-181.

Bat-Chava, Yael. 1992.
Group identification and self-esteem among members of a non-ethnic minority group: the case of deaf people. Ph.D. dissertation, City University of New York.

Batson, Trent and Eugene Bergman, ed. 1985.
Angels and outcasts: an anthology of Deaf characters in literature. Third ed., Washington, DC: Gallaudet College Press.

Bechter, Frank. 1994.
Metaphor in ASL and in the deaf experienceQan overview: the role of perception, metaphor, and quality in the conceptual imaging of language. November 12. Unpublished manuscript (writing sample). .

Becker, Gaylene and Joanne Jauregui. 1981.
The invisible isolation of deaf women: its effect on social awareness. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 8 (2): 249-262.

Beglin, Julie. 1995.
Every night, a place to gather and gossip. Just speak in signs. New York Times, February 19, 13.2 (CT Special).

Bell, Alexander Graham. 1883.
Memoir upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race. New Haven, CT: National Academy of Sciences.

Bell, Alexander Graham, 1847-1922. 1894.
Utility of signs. .

Bell, Alexander Graham, 1847-1922. 1898.
The question of sign language. .

Bell, Alexander Graham, 1847-1922. 1917.
Marriage of the deaf. .

Benderly, Beryl Lieff. 1980.
Dancing without music: deafness in america. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday.

Berbrier, Mitch. 1994.
On deviant or ethnic cultural space: the claims of lesbians and gays, the deaf, and white supremacists. :

Bienvenu, MJ, Betty Colonomos, and Inc Sign Media. 1985.
An introduction to American deaf culture. Videorecording. Burtonsville, Md.:@Sign Media. English.

Bienvenu, M. J. and Kathy Say. 1990.
American Sign Language campaign. TBC News Q the publication of the Bicultural Center (23): 2.

Bolderson, Helen and Penny Lloyd-Evans. 1988.
Deaf worlds: a study of integration, segregation and disability. British Journal of Criminology 28 (1): 120-121.

Bowe, Frank. 1986.
Changing the rules. Silver Spring, MD: T.J. Publisher's Inc.

Brand, David. 1988.
This is the Selma of the deaf: Gallaudet students demonstrate for a deaf college president. Time, March 21, 64.

Brownlee, Shannon. 1989.
The signs of silence: a deaf child's brain is primed to learn language easily. U.S. News & World Report, October 16, 86(2).

Buchanan, Robert. 1993.
The Silent Worker newspaper and the building of a Deaf community, 1890-1929. In Deaf history unveiled: interpretations from the new scholarship, ed. John Vickrey Van Cleve. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Bullard, Douglas. 1986.
Islay. Silver Spring, MD: T. J. Publishers.

Cagle, Sharon J. and Keith M. Cagle. 1991.
GA and SK etiquette: guidelines for telecommunications in the deaf community.

Carmel, Simon J. 1987.
A study of deaf culture in an american urban deaf community. Ph.D. dissertation, The American University.

Carmel, Simon J. and Leila F. Monaghan. 1991.
Studying Deaf culture: an introduction to ethnographic work in Deaf communities. Sign Language Studies 73:

Christiansen, John B. 1987.
Learning to be Deaf. Contemporary Sociology 16 (4): 568-569.

Christiansen, John B. and Sharon M. Barnartt. 1995.
Deaf president now!: the 1988 revolution at Gallaudet University. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Christiansen, John B. and Sharon N. Barnartt. 1989.
Free speech and "free signs": from Berkeley, 1964, to Gallaudet, 1988. :

Christiansen John, B. 1990.
Seeing voices: a journey into the world of the Deaf. Contemporary Sociology 19 (6): 894-895.

Clerc, Laurent, 1785-1869. 1811.
Laurent Clerc papers. Unpublished manuscript. .25 linear ft. (1 box). :@Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.

Clerc, Laurent, 1785-1869. 1818.
An address written by Mr. Clerc [microform] : and read by his request at a public examination of the pupils in the Connecticut Asylum, before the governour and both houses of the legislature, 28th May, 1818. , Vol. Early American imprints. Second series ; no. 43639. Hartford [Conn.]:@Hudson & Co., printers.

Cohen, Leah Hagar. 1994.
Train go sorry: inside a Deaf world. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Costello, Elaine. 1994.
Random House American Sign Language dictionary. Random House.

Creager, Ellen. 1994.
Deaf Miss America is sign of debate. Detroit Free Press, September 21, Section: WWL Page: 1C.

Davis, Lennard J. 1992.
Signing on [a review of Harlan Lane's The Mask of Benevolence]. The Nation, July 6, 26-27.

Davis, Lennard J. 1993.
The prisoners of silence. The Nation, October 4, 354-357.

Decroo, Kenneth Louis. 1978.
An ethnography of the Riverside Deaf Community: a study of the communicative development and eventual social adjustment of deaf people relative to age at onset of deafness and parental aural status. Ph.D. dissertation, University Of California, Riverside.

Deloach, Mark Benson. 1990.
Identity and social movements: the student protests at Gallaudet University (Washington D.C.). Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California.

Deusing, Anthony. 1656.
The deaf and dumb man's discourse. Groningen, Holland:

Dolnick, Edward. 1993.
Deafness as culture. Atlantic, September, 37(12).

Erting, Carol J. 1982.
Deafness, communication, and social Identity: an anthropological analysis of interaction among parents, teachers, and deaf children in a preschool. Ph.D. dissertation, The American University.

Erting, Carol J. 1992.
Deafness and literacy: why can't Sam read? Sign Language Studies 75: 97-112.

Evans, A. Donald. 1987.
Institutionally developed identities: an ethnographic account of reality construction in a residential school for the deaf. Sociological Studies of Child Development 2: 159-182.

Evans, A. Donald. 1988.
Strange bedfellows: deafness, language, and the sociology of knowledge. Symbolic Interaction 11 (2): 235-255.

Evans, A. Donald and William Falk. 1986.
Learning to be deaf. Contributions to the sociology of language, ed. Joshua A. Fishman. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Foster, Susan. 1989.
Social alienation and peer identification: a study of the social construction of deafness. Human Organization 48 (3): 226-235.

Foster, Susan Bannerman and United States. Office of Education. 1987.
Social alienation and peer identificaton: a dialectical model of the development of deaf community. [Rochester, NY]: National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Freeman, Patricia. 1989.
Actress Marlee Matlin builds A Bridge to Silence to star in her first speaking role. People Weekly, April 10, 158-161.

Friedman, Jerry L. 1995.
Social, cultural, and historical issues in Deaf education/rehabilitation: analysis in a multilingual/multicultural framework. Position paper, University of California.

Friedman, Lynn, ed. 1977.
On the other hand: new perspectives on American Sign Language. New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Friedman, Thomas B, Yong Liang, James L. Weber, John T Hinnant, Thomas D. Barberr, Sunaryana Winata, I Nyomen Arhya, and James H Jr. Asher. 1995.
A gene for congenital, recessive deafness DFNB3 maps to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 17. Nature Genetics 9: 86-91.

Frishberg, Nancy. 1988.
Signers of tales: the case for literary status of an unwritten language. Sign Language Studies (59): 149-170.

Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins, 1787-1851. 1817.
A sermon delivered at the opening of the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons, April 20th, 1817. Early American imprints. Second series ; no. 40885., Hartford [Conn.]: Hudson and Co., printers.

Gannon, Jack. 1989.
The week the world heard Gallaudet. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

Garcia, Joseph. 1994.
Toddler talk. Stratton-Kehl Publications, Inc.

Gerber, David A. 1990.
A place of their own: creating the deaf community in America. Journal of Social History 24 (1): 206-209.

Glickman, Neil Stephen. 1993.
Deaf identity development: construction and validation of a theoretical model. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 54 (6): 2344-A.

Goode, David. 1994.
A world without words: the social construction of children born deaf and blind. Sheryl Ruzek Irving Kenneth Zola, ed. Society Health, and Policy. Philadelphia: Temple University Preses.

Gore, Tony A. and A. Barry Critchfield. 1992.
The development of a state-wide mental health system for deaf and hard of hearing persons. Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association 26 (2): 1-8.

Grant, Brian. 1988.
The quiet ear: deafness in literature: an anthology. Boston: Faber and Faber.

Groce, Nora Ellen. 1983.
Hereditary deafness on the island of Martha's Vineyard: an ethnohistory of a genetic disorder (Massachusetts). Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University.

Groce, Nora Ellen. 1985.
Everyone here spoke sign language: hereditary deafness on Martha's Vineyard. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Haines, Randa. 1986.
Children of a lesser god. :@Paramount Pictures.

Hairston, Ernest and Linwood Smith. 1983.
Black and deaf in america: are we that different. Silver Spring, MD: T.J. Publishers.

Hall, Stephanie Aileen. 1989.
"The deaf club is like a second home": an ethnography of folklore communication in American Sign Language. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.

Hall, Stephani A., Madeline M. Maxwell, and Pam Kraemer. 1991.
The sociolinguistics of the deaf community: speech and identity in the deaf narrative. Language in Society 20 (1): 140-143.

Handler, Joel F., Michael W. McCann, Regina Austin, Patricia Ewick, Kitty Calavita, Carroll Seron, Allan C. Hutchinson, Steven L. Winter, and Stewart Macaulay. 1992.
Postmodernism, protest, and the New Social Movements. Law and Society Review 26 (4): 697-731.

Hayes, John Laurence. 1990.
A historical perspective and descriptive approach for American Sign Language and English bilingual studies in the community college setting. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Arizona.

Higgins, Paul Cole. 1977.
The deaf community: identity and interaction in a hearing world. Ph.D., Northwestern University.

Higgins, Paul C. 1979.
Deviance within a disabled community. Pacific Sociological Review 22 (1): 96-114.

Higgins, Paul C. 1979.
Outsiders in a hearing world: the deaf community. Urban Life 8 (1): 3-22.

Higgins, Paul C. and Jeffrey E. Nash. 1982.
The deaf community and the deaf population. In Conference: Sociology of Deafness (Gallaudet College), , Vol. v. 3. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet College.

Higgins, Paul C and Jeffrey E Nash. 1987.
Understanding deafness socially. Springfield, Ill., U.S.A.: Charles C. Thomas.

Hoemann, Harry W. 1975.
American Sign Language: Lexical and grammatical notes with translation exercises. Silver Spring, MD: National Association of the Deaf.

Hogan, Anthony
Year Towards a genealogy of the governance of Deafness. In Society for Disability Studies Conference in Par Oatlands Hotel,
Horgan, John. 1995.
A sign is born: language unfolds among deaf Nicaraguan children. Scientific American, December, 18-19.

Hsu, Spencer S. 1994.
Miss America tugs at Gallaudet's heart: she showed RThere are no limitsS. The Washington Post, September 19, METRO, p. b01.

Humphries, Tom. 1991.
An introduction to the culture of Deaf people in the United States: content notes & reference materials for teacherrs. Sign Language Studies (72): 209-240.

Iles, E. W. 1912.
Written languages for the deaf. June 5th. Unpublished manuscript. Washington DC:@Columbia Institution for the Deaf Library.

Israelite, Neita, Carolyn Ewoldt, and Robert Hoffmeister. 1992.
Bilingual/bicultural education for deaf and hard-of-hearing students: a review of the literature on the effects of native sign language acquisition on majority language acquisition. A research study commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada: Ministry of Education.

Jepson, Jill. 1991.
Urban and rural sign language in India. Language in Society 20 (1): 37-57.

Joachim, Guido H. G. and Siegmund Prillwitz. 1993.
International bibliography of sign language. Vol. 21.International Studies on Sign Language Research and Communciation of the Deaf, Hamburg: Signum.

Johnson, Kristen L. 1994.
Ideology and the practice of deaf goodbyes. PhD (linguistic anthropology), UCLA.

Johnson, Robert E. 1980.
Sign language of the deaf: psychological, linguistic, and sociological perspectives. American Anthropologist 82 (3): 624-625.

Johnson, Robert E. 1991.
Sign language, culture and community in a traditional Yucatec Maya village. Sign Language Studies (73): 461-474.

Jolly, Eric J. and Charlotte G. O'Kelly. 1980.
Sex-role stereotyping in the language of the deaf. Sex Roles 6 (2): 285-292.

Kannapell, Barbara Marie. 1986.
Language choice reflects identity choice: a sociolinguistic study of deaf college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 47 (1): 165-A.

Kegl, Judy. 1994.
The Nicaraguan Sign Language Project: An Overview. Signpost 7 (1): 24-31.

Lampropoulou, Venetta K. 1992.
The socioeconomic status of deaf people in Greece. Journal of the British Association of the Teachers of the Deaf 16 (4): 90-96.

Lane, Harlan. 1976.
When the mind hears: a history of the deaf. New York: Random House.

Lane, Harlan, ed. 1984.
The deaf experience: classics in language and education. Cambridge, Massachussets: Harvard University Press.

Lane, Harlan. 1988.
Educating the American Sign Language speaking minority of the United States: a paper presented for the Commission on the Education of the Deaf. Sign Language Studies (59): 221-230.

Lane, Harlan. 1993.
Cochlear implants: their cultural and historical meaning. In Deaf history unveiled: interpretations from the new scholarship, ed. John Vickrey Van Cleve. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Lane, Harlan L. 1992.
The mask of benevolence: disabling the deaf community. 1st ed. New York: Knopf.

Linderman, Albert Lee. 1993.
Deaf culture in America: an anthropological view. M.A.MISS., Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission.

Lodeon, Sabine. 1993.
The making of the speaking body: the institution of the deaf-mute in France [End of the eighteenth-beginning of the nineteenth century]. Communications 56: 91-103.

Long, Joseph Schuyler. 1910.
The sign language: a manual of signs: being a descriptive vocabulary of signs used by the Deaf in the United States and Canada. Washington, D.C.: Press of Gibson Bros.

Luczak, Raymond, ed. 1993.
Eyes of desire: a deaf gay & lesbian reader. Boston: Alyson Publications.

Mahshie, Shawn Neal. 1995.
Educating deaf children bilingually. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Manning, Anita. 1994.
Miss America, proud sign for the deaf world. USA Today: Tracey Wong Briggs Edition, September 19, LIFE: p. 01D.

Markowicz, Harry and James Woodward. 1978.
Language and the maintenance of ethnic boundaries in the deaf community. Communication and Cognition 11 (1): 29-37.

McGinnis, Mary D., Claire Davis Orr, and Jane Moore Freutel. 1980.
Becoming a social being. The Volta Review 82 (6): 370-379.

McIntire, Marina. 1987.
Sign language textbooks. In Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness, ed. John V. Van Cleve. 26-29. , Vol. 3. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

Miller, Jonathan. 1992.
The rustle of a star: an annotated bibliography of deaf characters in fiction. Library Trends, Summer, 42(19).

Montgomery, George, ed. 1981.
The Integration and disintegration of the deaf in society. [Edinburgh]: Scottish Workshop Publications.

Moore, Matthew S. and Linda Levitan. 1992.
For hearing people only: answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the Deaf community, its culture, and the "Deaf reality". 1st ed. Rochester, N.Y.: Deaf Life Press.

Moore, Matthew S. and Linda Levitan. 1993.
For hearing people only: answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the Deaf community, its culture, and the "Deaf reality". 2nd ed. Rochester, N.Y.: Deaf Life Press.

Morell, Robert, Yong Liang, James H Jr. Asher, James L. Weber, John T Hinnant, Sunaryana Winata, I Nyomen Arhya, and Thomas B Friedman. 1995.
Analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) allele frequency distributions in a Balinese population. Human Molecular Genetics 4 (1): 85-91.

Mottez, Bernard. 1990.
Deaf identity. Sign Language Studies 68: 195-216.

Nakamura, Karen J. 1995.
Writing signs: ASL, the Deaf community, writing systems, and literacy. May. Seminar paper. Unpublished manuscript.

Nash, Jeffrey E. 1987.
Policy and practice in the American Sign Language community. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 68: 7-22.

Nash, Jeffrey E. 1988.
Learning to be Deaf. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 17 (2): 229-233.

National Association of the Deaf
Year Proceedings of the ninth convention of the National Association and the Third World's Congress of the Deaf. In in Colorado Springs, Colo, Philocophus Press
National Association of the Deaf
Year Proceedings of the tenth convention of the National Association of the Deaf. In in Cleveland, Ohio, Independent Publishing Company
National Association of the Deaf
Year Proceedings of the eleventh (special) convention of the National Association of the Deaf. In in San Francisco, California,
Neisser, Arden. 1983.
The other side of silence: sign language and the deaf community in America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Neisser, Arden. 1990.
The other side of silence: sign language and the deaf community in America. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

Orlans, Harold. 1989.
The revolution at Gallaudet. Change 21 (1): 9-18.

Ornelas, Jose N. 1989.
Maina Mendez by Maria Velho da Costa: Language, Ideology, and Power. Letras de Hoje 24 (2(76)): 7-26.

Padden, Carol and Tom Humphries. 1988.
Deaf in America: voices from a culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1990.
How do you sign "apartheid"? The politics of South African Sign Language. Language Problems and Language Planning 14 (2): 91-103.

Perlmutter, David. 1986.
TopicI comment: no nearer to the soul. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory (4): 515-523.

Perlmutter, David M. 1991.
The language of the Deaf [a review of Oliver Sack's Seeing voices: A journey into the world of the deaf]. New York Review, March 28, 65-72.

Peschar, Jules L. 1990.
The sociolinguistics of the deaf community. Contemporary Sociology 19 (6): 895-896.

Petitto, Laura Ann and Paula F. Marentette. 1991.
Babbling in the manual mode: evidence for the ontogeny of language. Science, March 22, 1493(4).

Pimentel, Benjamin. 1995.
Miss America visits peninsula: deaf beauty queen starts new scholarship program. San Francisco Chronicle, January 7, A17.

Poyatos, Fernando. 1990.
New perspectives in language and social interaction research through nonverbal communication research.

Preston, Paul Michael. 1992.
Mother father deaf: identity on the margins of culture. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, San Francisco.

Preston, Paul Michael. 1994.
Mother father deaf : living between sound and silence. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Rachford, Douglas Lee. 1983.
The development of social understanding in deaf children. Ph.D. dissertation, The Catholic University of America.

Reagan, Timothy. 1985.
The deaf as a linguistic minority: educational considerations. Harvard Educational Review 55 (3): 265-277.

Roberts, Roxanne. 1994.
Beautiful dreamer: Miss America's reign gets off to a sunny start. The Washington Post, September 19, STYLE, p. d01.

Rutherford, Susan Dell. 1987.
A study of American deaf folklore. Ph.D. dissertation in Deaf Studies: Language, Culture and Group Identity, University of California, Berkeley.

Rutherford, Susan D. 1988.
The culture of American deaf people. Sign Language Studies 59 (summer): 129-147.

Sacks, Oliver. 1989.
Seeing voices: a journey into the world of the deaf. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Sainsbury, Sally. 1986.
Deaf worlds: a study of integration, segregation and disability. London: Hutchinson.

Sainsbury, Sally. 1993.
Being deaf: the experience of deafness. The British Journal of Sociology 44 (3): 546.

Schein, Jerome Daniel. 1989.
At home among strangers. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

Schuchman, John S. 1988.
Hollywood speaks: deafness and the film entertainment industry. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Scott, Robert A. 1993.
The mask of benevolence: disabling the deaf community. Society 30 (4(204)): 83-88.

Senghas, Ann. 1994.
Nicaragua's Lessons for Language Acquisition. Signpost 7 (1): 32-39.

Senghas, Richard J. and Judy Kegl. 1994.
Social Considerations in the Emergence of Idioma de Signos Nicaraguense (Nicaraguan Sign Language). Signpost 7 (1): 40-46.

Shapiro, Joseph P. 1994.
Miss America meets the disability lobby. U.S. News and World Report, October 17, 22.

Spradley, Thomas S. and James P. Spradley. 1985.
Deaf like me. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet College Press.

Stephanie, Hall. 1983.
Train-Gone-Sorry: the etiquette of social conversations in American Sign Language. Sign Language Studies 41 (winter): 291-309.

Stewart, David A. and C. Tane Akamatsu. 1988.
Coming of age of American Sign Language. Anthropology and education quarterly 19, no. 3, 1988: 235-252.

Stokoe, William C., ed. 1980.
Sign and culture: a reader for students of American Sign Language. Silver Spring, Maryland: Linstok Press.

Stokoe, William C. 1989.
The Deaf way to new dictionaries of sign languages: recent evidence of monumental research. Sign Language Studies (65): 279-286.

Supalla, Samuel J. 1992.
The book of name signs: naming in american sign language.

Supalla, Ted. 1991.
Deaf folklore film collection project. Sign Language Studies (70): 73-82.

Sutton, Valerie. 1975.
Examples of a notation of a deaf sign language. Irvine: Movement Shorthand Society Press.

Taylor, George, Juliet Bishop, and Open University. 1991.
Being deaf: the experience of deafness. London: Pinter Publishers, in association with The Open University.

Toy, Vivian. 1995.
Helping hands aren't always outstretched to deaf-blind. New York Times, May 13, 21, 24.

Turner, Graham H. 1994.
How is Deaf culture: another perspective on a fundamental concept. Sing Language Studies 83:

van Biema, David. 1994.
AID. Time, April 4, 76-77.

Van Cleve, John V. 1987.
Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness. Vol. 3 volumes. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

Van Cleve, John Vickrey, ed. 1993.
Deaf history unveiled: interpretations from the new scholarship. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Van Cleve, John Vickrey and Barry A. Crouch. 1989.
A place of their own: creating the deaf community in america. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Veditz, George W. 1913.
The preservation of sign language. Film. Washington DC:@National Association of the Deaf.

von Tetzchner, Stephen, Harald Martinsen, and Halvor Nordeng. 1982.
Historical change in sign languages and social change in deaf communities. :

Walker, Lou Ann. 1986.
A loss for words. New York: HarperCollins.

Walker, Lou Ann. 1994.
Hand, heart, and mind: the story of the education of America's deaf people. New York: Dial Books.

Washabaugh, William. 1981.
Sign language in its social context. Annual Review of Anthropology 10: 237-252.

Weaver, Jacqueline. 1995.
In a world where one's hands speak. New York Times, October 15, 3.

Wilcox, Sherman. 1989.
American deaf culture: an anthology. Silver Spring, Md.: Linstok Press.

Wilcox, Sherman, Phyllis Wilcox, and ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. 1991.
Learning to see American sign language as a second language. [Washington, DC]: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics.

Winata, Sunaryana, I Nyoman Arhya, Sukarti Moeljopawiro, John T Hinnant, Yong Liang, Thomas B Friedman, and James H Jr. Asher. 1995.
Congenital non-syndromal autosomal recessive deafness in Bengkala, an isolated Balinese village. Journal of Medical Genetics 32: 336-343.

Wright, David. 1969.
Deafness. New York: Stein and Day.

Wright, Lynda Joyce. 1992.
A study of deaf cultural identity through a comparison of young deaf adults of deaf parents and young deaf adults of hearing parents. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.

Wright, Lynda Joyce. 1993.
A study of deaf cultural identity through a comparison of young deaf adults of deaf parents and young deaf adults of hearing parents. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 53 (7): 2558-A.

Wrigley, Owen Paul. 1992.
Sound knowledge: the political meaning of deafness. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Hawaii.