You might also want to check out the online magazines and mailing lists on the World Wide Web -- excellent lists such as DeafDigest, Deaf-L, etc.
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This page was last updated on Sept 3, 2005.
American Annals of the Deaf Homepage: "The American Annals of the Deaf is a professional journal dedicated to quality in education and related services for deaf and hard of hearing children and adults. " -- home page
DCARA NEWS (published by Deaf Counseling, Advocacy & Referral Agency) 22289 Pearce St. Hayward, CA 94541-3915 TTY: (510) 733-3850 Fax: (510) 888-9527 subscription: $15 for 10 issues
Deaf Friends International P.O. Box 13192 Hamilton, OH 45013 USA TTY/Voice: +1 513-896-5075 Fax: +1 513-896-5075 Internet: Subscription: No cost (free) "Deaf Friends International is a magazine for deaf students around the world. Each issue contains stories, poems, and art work submitted to us from our readers. A popular feature is our PEN PAL section in which our readers can make new friends in their own country or from foreign countries. We also have articles about famous deaf persons or persons associated with the deaf. We have three major goals: to encourage creativity in deaf students, to share God's love by encouraging friendship among the deaf students of the world, and to add to the students' knowledge of geography and social studies." -- Jeanne Griffin / Deaf Friends Intl.
Deaf Life International P.O. Box 23380 Rochester, N.Y. 14692-3380 Fax: (716) 442-6371 $26/yr.
DeafNation DeafNation, Inc. 814 Thayer Avenue #350 Silver Spring, MD 20910 TTY: (888) 332-3628 toll free Fax: (301) 562-6030 TTY: (301) 562-6010 WWW: E-mail: $19.95/yr (verified 99/11/1) -- Currently offering 6-month FREE trial subscription to DeafNation by signing up at -- HandTalk magazine has been acquired by DeafNation about a year ago.
National Association of the Deaf (NAD) 814 Thayer Ave Silver Spring, MD 20910-4500 TTY: (301) 587-1789 Voice: (301) 587-1788 Fax: (301) 587-1791 Membership to NAD includes a subscription to NADmag and a discount at the NAD bookstore.
Odyssey: New Directions in Deaf Education HTTP: "Odyssey, features articles about a wide range of issues important to the families of deaf and hard of hearing children and to those of us involved in deaf education."
Silent News The Silent News was one of the key information sources about everything that was happening to Deaf people around the U.S. Closed in 2002 -- KM
TCE News HTTP: / E-mail: "We are a dynamic 32-page national newspaper for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing AND we just celebrated our 10th anniversary!"
World Around You HTTP: "Gallaudet University through the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center, has published World Around You, a magazine for deaf and hard of hearing teenagers, for 22 years. We have hero/adventure stories about deaf teens and adults as well as information about careers, role models, technology, laws, and deaf culture."
ALDA (Association of Late Deafened Adults) P.O. Box 93075 Rochester, N.Y. 14692-7375 TTY: 708-445-0860 Bell Association for the Deaf 3417 Volta Place, NW Washington, DC 20007 Voice/TTY: (202) 337-5220 Hearing Health Magazine "Magazine designed for people who experience any degree of hearing loss, tinnitus, or other ear disorder." P.O. Drawer V Ingleside, Texas 78362 361/776-7240 V/TTY 361/776-3278 Fax LIFE AFTER DEAFNESS 6773 Starboard Way Sacramento, California 95831 916-392-4253 (TTY) evenings fax 916-392-5750 anytime Operates under the signature: "The best collection of stories about late-deafness in the world today!" The publication is bi-monthly 1 year $18.00 2 years $34.00 SHHH (Self Help for Hard of Hearing People) Journal 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1200 Bethesda, MD 20814 TTY: (301) 657-2249 Voice: (301) 657-2248 Fax: (301) 913-9413 Subscription to SHHH Journal is $20/year, includes membership in SHHH.